Wanna Play?

First Presbyterian Church    7/5/1996 - 7/21/1996 (schedule)

Category:  Musical · Community

Total performances: 9

Albert Green.... Albert
Alison Phillips.... Alison
Andrew T. Brander.... Andrew
Angela McCann.... Angela
Ashton Schultz.... Ashton
Audie Krivjanick, Jr..... Audie
Brandon Dillon.... Brandon
Brittanie Bender.... Brittanie
Chante Allen.... Chante
Jennifer Huybrechts.... Jennifer
Julian Harris.... Julian
Katie Francioni.... Katie
Kristin Howard.... Kristin
Lindsey Haskins.... Lindsey
Lyric Lewis.... Lyric
Megan Langhoff.... Megan
Myisha Dunn.... Myisha
Rachel Stickney.... Rachel
Raionda Addison.... Raionda
Rendell DeBose.... Rendell
Rhea Macchione.... Rhea
Ronald Torregano III.... Ronald
Sarah Stickney.... Sarah
Sarah Vidacovich.... Sarah
Shandrell Briscoe.... Shandrell
Summer Barnett.... Summer
Wayne Reed II.... Wayne
*=featured role

Mikko Macchione ....  Director
Julie Condy ....  Vocal Director; Producer
M. Joseph Caluda ....  Musical Director
Joe Billesbach ....  Technical Director
Tony Molina, Jr. ....  Assistant Director
Benford Davis, Jr. ....  Art Direction
Fernand Jackson ....  Choreographer
Glen S. Mehn ....  Technical Director

References: Media
Record created by: mcahill
This record is part of the 'Cahill Archives'

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