Heartbreak House

Heartbreak House

(no venue)    6/9/2012 - 9/30/2012 (schedule)

Category:  Drama · Professional

Photo Gallery (1 images)

Shaw’s epic masterpiece and prophetic depiction of a society teetering on the brink. Young Ellie Dunn is invited to the country home of the eccentric Captain Shotover by his daughter Hesione. Soon the family is divided over Ellie’s decision to marry for money, not love. But despite the brilliant debates about politics, economics, desire, war, education, religion and science, they are all ignoring the greater cloud that is looming. Written before World War I, Shaw said about the play, “It has more of the miracle, more of the mystic belief in it than any of my others.” On Fridays Aug. ...Read More

Total performances: 23

Record created by: lucypr

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