Delia Caroline Bennett

Delia Caroline Bennett

Vocal Range: Alto - High Soprano    ·    Height: 5'5    ·    Weight: 102    ·    Hair Color: blonde    ·    Eye Color: green    ·    Training: Ballet 8yrs, tap 2 yrs, jazz 3 yrs, ballroom dancing. Vocal: Joseph Skip Harris. Drama: NOCCA    ·    Special Skills: fluent in french, has a valid drivers license,expert traveler,licensed at CPR    ·    Hometown: New Orleans    ·    High School: The Dunham School    ·    Occupation: student

Delia Bennett is 17 years old. She attends the New Orleans Center For Creative Arts in New Orleans, and currently lives in Baton Rouge. She has preformed in New Orleans and Baton Rouge her whole life and studies Musical Theater at NOCCA.
Her passions include singing, acting, dancing and songwriting.
She loves to try new and different things and is passionate about everything she does.